Akashic Records Consultations: Tap into the Wisdom of your Soul

What an Akashic Records Session Can Do for You

The Akashic Records are the energetic recording of your Soul's journey over every lifetime.

Accessing this storehouse of information can assist you in better understanding your purpose and life circumstances.

An Akashic Records Consultation can provide clarity and insight into many different domains of your life, including:  

  • Clarity about your life in the here and now;

  • Deeper understanding of your Soul's intention for patterns of behavior, fears, types of situations or people in your life (for example, toxic people, money issues, procrastination, self-sabatage, unexplained fears, unsatisfactory relationships, etc) with techniques of how to release them and move them forward;

  • Insight regarding right livelihood or career choices;

  • Methods to release negative beliefs and expand your joy;

  • parenting information and insight about what your children AND pets needs from you; 

  • Any global issues or conceptual questions on which you desire more clarity.

​ How it Works:

Sessions are based entirely on your questions. Once you schedule a session, I will send you an email with additional information to help you prepare for the consultation.

In-person Akashic records sessions are offered at Stella Luna Counseling and Wellness in Middleburg Heights (17951 Jefferson Park Rd). To book an in-person Akashic Records session, please click the link below. You will be redirected to book via Stella Luna’s website (please scroll down to find the Akashic records offering).

To schedule a virtual Akashic Records session, please fill out the form below. I will contact you shortly to schedule your session and provide you with a Zoom link.

Sessions are available for either 60 or 90 minutes. A 60 minute session is $108 and a 90 minute session is $125.

Submit the form below to schedule your Akashic Records session today!

I look forward to working with you!

“What are the Akashic Records? Where are they stored? Why do you want to know what is in them? These questions were all answered by Purandev Kaur in my session. Purandev is a beautiful soul that makes you feel at ease. She helped me to understand what the Akashic Records are, how to ask my questions, and made sure I understood the responses that were given. If you are new or seasoned to these experiences, Purandev will give you a consultation that can provide clarity and insight into your life.” -Tracey Duncko