Intuitive Guidance Sessions

offering 1:1 support, clarity, & guidance completely tailored to you.

I consider it a blessing and an honor to be a part of your empowerment journey. I love working with clients one-on-one because it allows us to dig deep in regards to your specific needs and situation. This is work that I am truly passionate about and that I love to do!

Intuitive guidance sessions are so powerful because they are uniquely tailored to you and your questions and intentions. In a session, I will bring forth messages and insights from your guides, as well as personal healing activations and clearings—whatever serves you the most in the moment.

This work is a culmination of years’ worth of channeling, teaching, and content creation that I have done in many different formats. I absolutely love working with clients personally to bring through channeled messages, empowerment, clarity, and healing.

These sessions are versatile and can be adapted to your needs. Sessions may assist with:

  • Clearing energetic, physical, or emotional blockages;'

  • Providing clarity in regards to your life path, purpose, and/or direction;

  • Supporting you in connecting with your heart & your Higher Self;

  • Activating latent gifts, talents, and abilities within you;

  • Providing you with a direct line of connection to your guides;

  • Connecting you to the crystalline clarity of your intuition and how it is guiding you.

Intuitive guidance sessions are $85 for one hour.

Sessions are offered virtually via Zoom. If you are interested in booking an intuitive guidance session, please fill out the form below and I will reach out to you shortly to schedule your session.

I look forward to working with you!