Embody and Reclaim the Intutive Wisdom of your Womb

reclaiming the wisdom of your womb

We live in revolutionary times that are calling on us to embody and share both the intuitive wisdom of our hearts and our womb-space.

Collectively as a culture, we have forgotten what it means to tap into the radical power and wisdom of our wombs. We are taught and programmed, in a myriad of ways, to mistrust this wisdom and instead try to create and manifest through our minds. While there is nothing inherently wrong with the mind—indeed it serves an important function in its own right—it is only part of the equation in the broader picture of who we are and how we live our lives.

The mind is linear and tends to operate in a paradigm of duality. It intrinsically attaches to situations, people, or ideas in a sometimes desperate attempt to understand reality. The mind tends to reject mystery and ambiguity, craves rational and clear cut answers, and overall prefers to employ a black and white, systematic approach to life.

While non of this is negative per se, it’s essential that we realize that we are not meant to navigate our lives using the mind alone. To truly embody the fullness of who we are and embody our greatest power and potential, we need to unlock the wisdom of our womb space, learn to trust in this intuitive somatic wisdom again, and allow it to serve as a valuable guide in our lives.

the journey of embodying your womb wisdom

My journey of resurrecting my own womb wisdom began in 2019 when I attended a Priestess training in Oregon and became certified as a Priestess of the Red Tent. This four day immersive training forever changed my life as it paved the path for me to reconnect with my womb, my blood, and my feminine cycles and power in a radical way. Following this training, I mentored with fellow sisters and teachers who were powerful oracles and priestesses in their own right. I also mentored with Divine Feminine Ascended mentors such as Isis and Mary Magdalene, who deeply initiated me into the dark mysteries and cycles of death, rebirth, and resurrection that occurred both within my womb space and my consciousness.

Over the years, I deepened in my practice of the Priestess ceremonial arts and became well-versed in the art of connecting with and honoring my womb space for the holy chalice that it was. At the beginning of my journey, I did a lot of clearing of my womb space, releasing karmic and ancestral patterns and clearing my matriarchal line of eons of traumatic imprinting. I often vacillated between living from my womb-space and my mind. I noticed that when I was truly connected to the wisdom of my womb, I felt more sovereign, empowered, creative, whole, and alive—much more so than when I was functioning solely from my mind alone.

womb wisdom sessions

Today I consider it a deep honor and privilege to work with individuals on their journey of reclaiming their womb wisdom. Whether you identify as a man or a woman, we all contain the spark of creativity within us as the kundalini life force—that energy that ignites all of creation into being. The more we are in touch with this creative force that lives within us, the more potent, powerful, and fulfilling our creations and our lives become.

Womb wisdom is mysterious. It is intuitive, primal, raw, and non-linear. Entering into the womb space is entering into the void, the cosmic cauldron of life itself. It defies logic and rational thinking and instead relies on the ancient and somatic wisdom of the body. To our egos, it can often feel intimidating and daunting to leave the familiar ground of the mind and venture into unknown territory. For that reason, it can be extremely helpful to have a mentor and guide in this process.

When we work together, I will be by your side as we venture on this powerful inward journey of resurrecting your unique womb wisdom that is so desperately needed in the world today. The way in which our work together unfolds will be as unique and individualized as you are; however there are certain elements that can deeply assist and support the unfoldment of this journey, including spellwork and ritual, intention-setting, womb-clearing ceremonies, invocation of your guides and ascended master mentors, art-making, yoga and meditation, and channeling.

In a womb wisdom session, we are tapping into the intuitive and creative energies of the womb and the body and allowing this wisdom to guide us. Therefore, while there are certain parameters created to ensure clarity of the sanctuary space, there is no concrete delineation of how a session unfolds. We are being initiated into trusting the cosmic flow of womb wisdom and allowing it to guide us.

benefits of a womb wisdom session

Anyone can benefit from a womb wisdom session. Specifically, this work may be implicated for those who feel disconnected from their womb-space due to trauma; those suffering from physical conditions affecting their womb; or anyone seeking to heal from infertility or other mind/body imbalances affecting their health and well-being. Individuals who are feeling a call to claim their voice and/or gifts in the world, but are not sure how, can also benefit tremendously from a womb work.

Some benefits of engaging on this journey of reclaiming your womb wisdom may include:

  • Increased sense of vitality, creativity, and fulfillment

  • Deeper sense of connection to your body and/or your blood and cycles

  • Deeper connection and trust in your womb’s guidance and intuition

  • A renewed sense of connection and oneness to all of life

  • More confidence in embodying your unique voice, gifts, and talents

  • The opportunity to heal and cleanse generational trauma from your matriarchal line

  • A deeper sense of sovereignty and empowerment in your womb and your body

  • Increased manifestation power in all aspects of your life

I currently offer two different formats for womb wisdom sessions:

womb alchemy sessions:

These sessions are designed as a sacred and ceremonial experience where we co-create sacred space for you to deeply connect with your womb wisdom. I will create safe space for you to let go and deeply receive and connect with your womb and your body. These sessions may weave together an invocation, meditation and breathwork, gentle movement, spellwork and ritual, channeling, and art-making. In a womb alchemy session, we are transmuting fears, stagnantion, and traumatic imprints that are preventing you from fully embodying the fullness of your womb wisdom.

Sessions are guided by your needs and where you are in your unique journey. These sessions are offered virtually via Zoom.

resurrecting the priestess:

Similar to womb alchemy sessions in nature, Resurrecting the Priestess takes things one step further as we embark on a longer intentional journey over the course of one, three, or six moon cycles. Guided by the energies of the new and full moon, this powerful journey includes the full array of the Priestess ceremonial arts, as well as 24/7 support via the Voxer app, where you may reach out to me with questions, insights, or revelations anytime.

“working with purandev via zoom for a lunar cycle was deeply supportive. i really enjoyed the spontaneity of our work together…this allowed the waters of inspiration to flow rather than conforming to rigid structure. i loved how purandev held space for whatever i was going through. she validated my emotions and provided insights from her own experience without telling me what to do. just being in her virtual presence was enough for the voice of my higher self to come through and offer direction.” -s.h.

 Due to the deep and intimate nature of this work, please schedule a free 20 minute consultation with me prior to booking a session. This consultation is designed as a safe place for us to get to know each other and for you to ask any questions about this sacred and powerful womb work.