Ally & Me: the Integration of Spirit and Form

This book was a labor of love that was born out of a journey of profound loss and healing. When I was 26 years old, my younger sister Allison, age 20, passed away suddenly in a hiking accident while traveling abroad in New Zealand. A compassionate and wise soul, my sister’s death hit my family and my community extremely hard.

Her death plunged me into the deepest grief I have ever known. However, I was able to use my intuitive abilities to communicate with my sister from the other side. She shared with me information about where she was and told me that we would be writing a book together. The intention of this book, Ally said, was to provide clear and accurate information about the purpose of our human lives on Earth, as well as to offer insight into life after death—reassuring all of us that truly, there is nothing to fear about life OR death.

Writing this book sent me on a healing journey that ultimately led me to realize that my sister was always with me and that the illusion of being separate from her was just that: an illusion.

The truth was that we were always connected—-just as all of us are—-and that the strength of our love transcended any apparent barriers between the Spirit World, where she was, and the physical world, where I was.

The information in this book is crucial for us all to remember during these very monumental times that we live in, so that we may all learn how to integrate and live in alignment with our head and our heart, our darkness and our light, as well as our humanity and our divinity.

If you’re looking for books on spiritual channeling, look no further—this is one of the best books on the afterlife and spirituality available. 

Inspiring, insightful, and deeply moving, Ally & Me: The Integration of Spirit and Form is a personal account of the unbreakable bond between two sisters and humanity’s collective journey, which each one of us takes. 

Exploring fascinating subjects such as spiritual healing after loss and healing grief with mediumship, this absolute gem of a book will bring comfort and illumination to anyone who has ever experienced the loss of a loved one. So if you have questions about mediumship, spirit guides, or life after death, powerful evidence of their existence can be found within these pages. 

Join the author as she embarks on an inward journey of healing and spiritual awakening, and discover how through the power of love, we can overcome anything.